Unlike in Cold War Crisis, there is no protagonist pivotal to the main storyline, though it is narrated by a character called William Porter, one of the few U.S. The island has long since been divided into two countries the communist North and the pro-West South. Twenty one years after the events of the Cold War Crisis, Armed Assault takes place in 2006 on the tropical island nation of Sahrani located in the Atlantic Ocean. Queen's Gambit was later bundled and re-released as the ArmA: Gold Edition, which combines both the base content and that of the expansion's into a single game.
Released almost one year after Armed Assault, the Queen's Gambit expansion adds two brand new campaigns called Rahmadi Conflict and Royal Flush, a small addon terrain called Porto, as well as additional new units, vehicles, and weapons. The spiritual successor to Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (now known as ArmA: Cold War Assault), Armed Assault is the first game in the series to be set in the modern era.Įxpansion pack Main article: ArmA: Queen's Gambit